Custom-designed to absorb the impact and force from work on rings, climbing ropes, or other aerial movements. Encased in 18 oz coated vinyl, topped with nylon mesh material and filled with polyfoam. Mat folds to increase or decrease thickness and desired padding.
Made in the USA.
Available in:
4’ x 8’ x 4” - folding
5’ x 10’ x 4” - folding
4’ x 8’ x 8” - folding
5’ x 10’ x 8” - folding

Move or
Haul Away
We'll move your fitness equipment to a new location or dispose of old equipment for you.

360 Fitness Superstore offers multiple installation and service options on all our fitness equipment.

Gym Design
Design your home or office gym with the Home Gym Design Room Layout Planner!

Service & Repairs
We offer the best repair service in the San Francisco Bay Area with a 24-hour response time.